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Bhrigu Bindu

Dec 20, 2017

Inner Light

As soon as the mind gets detached from the senses and the prana (life force) moves up into kutastha, the inner sky is filled with infinite light and sound. The power of this light has the capacity to burn up the past samskaras. As the weight of the samskaras decreases, the meditating devotee experiences more and more bliss. He then realizes that the mundane happiness that one derived from sense indulgence were like the waters of a mirage.


Dec 20, 2017

After Effects

A restless breath signifies a restless mind; a calm breath signifies a calm mind.

Meditate nicely and deeply every day. Hold onto the after effects after meditation. The after-effects are peace, harmony, bliss and silence. This cannot be described in words. It is felt by the meditating devotee.


Dec 20, 2017

Ego Consciousness

Ego body consciousness stands as the most powerful enemy in the path to God Realization. Proper habits, techniques of Pranayama can help detach the mind and the prana (life force) from the senses. This can help realize our fundamental nature (Atman) !

Perfection in proper habits of Pranayama will assist in overcoming this deluded ego consciousness. Once the false Ego leaves the bliss of Samadhi (pure Ego) dawns!


Dec 20, 2017


If any fluctuation in the material world, happiness or sadness, profit or loss, triumph or failure, ups and downs, likes and dislikes 'affect' us, then this means that 'there is work to be done'. Wise man remains detached and observes the ever changeable world as a drama/dream/play.

Continuous meditative practice helps us achieves this state of constancy and unruffled-ness. Then there is only Bliss. The quality of Soul is Bliss. And there is no opposite word for Bliss in the English Dictionary. This is 'Adwaita' (non dual).


Dec 20, 2017

Inner Guru

Once the inner Guru, the Guru Shakti is awakened through the grace of the Mother, it will begin to guide you. If you are kind and compassionate to others, the inner Guru will be happy. If you are unkind, harsh and manipulative towards others, the inner Guru becomes unhappy. Your spiritual practice will then suffer. You will know it.

No one is perfect to begin with. But as long one strives towards perfection (oneness with Soul), towards the state of pure love, recognizing ones weaknesses and rectifying them, doing every action in the name of God, the inner Guru will rise to the peak and begin to dance - just like baby krshna on a 1000 headed serpent (sahasrara). Then it will be all bliss!


Dec 20, 2017

Retrograde - Gangotri

Ordinarily prana ganga flows downwards, from sahasrara to muladhara. When the mind disengages from 'vishaya' (sense objects), the prana is now ready to be uplifted back to the source. This source is 'gangotri'. 'Ganga' means the life-force (prana). Tri is the junction point at the ajna chakra. So Gangotri is the junction point from where prana ganga emanates. Retracing the prana ganga back to its source, the Gangotri , is termed as 'vakri gati' or simply 'Retrograde Phenomena' in Jyotisha. This 'pratyahara' is indeed a great blessing. Retrogression also means a deep desire to go back where one came from - Gangotri!


Oct 13, 2022

Sadhana (Spiritual Practice)

A true and sincere seeker is one who never slacks in his or her sadhana. Sadhana is not just some effort, some mere exercise or practice. It is Guru Himself. Guru is present in the form of sadhana. If you are able to hold on to the Guru given sadhana with love then in due time you will surely experience the invisible formless aspect of God, the atman, the great Spirit.


Oct 13, 2022

Bhrigu Samhita

Bhrigu Samhita is not just a collection of horoscopes or some janma phal as some may think. It is the living power of Bhrigu. It is the Supreme Light of Bhrigu. It is the Jiva of Bhrigu. It flows out in deep communion with Bhrigu in the form of Light that is translated into akashic etheric audible aksharas to remove the inner sufferings of lost souls.
